Below I have compiled a list of my recent publications (not including proceedings). For a complete list, please run an ADS query or search for me on the server.
refereed publications
- Gressel, O., Ziegler, U. (2024), AN 345, e20240056:
“Toward an efficient second-order method for computing the surface gravitational potential on spherical-polar meshes” - Sarafidou, E., Gressel, O., Picogna, G., Ercolano, B. (2024), MNRAS 530, 5131: “Hall-magnetohydrodynamic simulations of X-ray photoevaporative protoplanetary disc winds”
- Pascucci, I., Cabrit, S., Edwards, S., Gorti, U., Gressel, O., Suzuki, T. K. (2023), ASPC 534, 567: “The Role of Disk Winds in the Evolution and Dispersal of Protoplanetary Disks”
- Gressel, O., Rüdiger, G., Elstner, D. (2023), AN 344, e20210039:
“Alpha tensor and dynamo excitation in turbulent fluids with anisotropic conductivity fluctuations” - Gressel, O., Pessah, M. E. (2022), ApJ 928, 118:
“Finite-time Response of Dynamo Mean-field Effects in Magnetorotational Turbulence”
- Bendre, A. B., Elstner, D., Gressel, O. (2021), MNRAS 500, 3527:
“On the combined role of cosmic rays and supernova-driven turbulence for galactic dynamos” - Gressel, O., Ramsey, J. P., Brinch, C., Nelson, R. P., Turner, N. J., Bruderer, S. (2020), ApJ 896, 126:
“Global Hydromagnetic Simulations of Protoplanetary Disks with Stellar Irradiation and Simplified Thermochemistry” - McNally, C. P., Nelson, R. P., Paardekooper, S.-J., Benítez-Llambay, P., Gressel, O. (2020), MNRAS 493, 4382:
“Low-mass planet migration in three-dimensional wind-driven inviscid discs: a negative corotation torque” - Gressel, O., Elstner, D. (2020), MNRAS 494, 1180:
“On the spatial and temporal non-locality of dynamo mean-field effects in supersonic interstellar turbulence” - Bendre, A. B., Subramanian, K., Elstner, D., Gressel, O. (2020), MNRAS 491, 3870: “Turbulent transport coefficients in galactic dynamo simulations using singular value decomposition”
- Weber, P., Pérez, S., Benítez-Llambay, P., Gressel, O., Casassus, S., Krapp, L. (2019), ApJ 884, 178:
“Predicting the Observational Signature of Migrating Neptune-sized Planets in Low-viscosity Disks” - Haugbølle, T., Weber, P., Wielandt, D. P., Benítez-Llambay, P., Bizzarro, M., Gressel, O., Pessah, M. E. (2019), AJ 158, 55:“Probing the Protosolar Disk Using Dust Filtering at Gaps in the Early Solar System”
- Krapp, L., Benítez-Llambay, P., Gressel, O., Pessah, M. E. (2019), ApJ 878, L30: “Streaming Instability for Particle-size Distributions”
- Krapp, L., Gressel, O.,
Benítez-Llambay, P., Downes, T. P., Mohandas, G., Pessah,
M. E. (2018), ApJ 865, 105:
“Dust segregation in Hall-dominated turbulent protoplanetary disks” - Weber, P., Benítez-Llambay, P., Gressel, O., Krapp, L.,
Pessah, M. E. (2018), ApJ 854, 153:
“Characterizing the Variable Dust Permeability of Planet-induced Gaps” - McNally, C. P., Nelson, R. P., Paardekooper, S.-J., Gressel, O., Lyra, W. (2017), MNRAS 472, 1565: “Low mass planet migration in magnetically torqued dead zones - I. Static migration torque”
- Hartmann, L., Ciesla, F., Gressel, O., Alexander, R. (2017), SSRv 212, 813: “Disk Evolution and the Fate of Water”
- Gressel, O. (2017), JPhCS 837, 012008:
“Toward realistic simulations of magneto-thermal winds from weakly-ionized protoplanetary disks” - Fujii, Y., Kobayashi, H., Takahashi, S., Gressel, O. (2017), AJ 153, 194: “Orbital Evolution of Moons in Weakly Accreting Circumplanetary Disks”
- Brinch, C., Jørgensen, J. K., Hogerheijde, M. R., Nelson, R. P., Gressel, O. (2016), ApJ 830, L16: “Misaligned Disks in the Binary Protostar IRS 43”
- Umurhan, O. M., Nelson, R. P., Gressel, O. (2016), A&A 586, A33:
“Linear analysis of the vertical shear instability: outstanding issues and improved solutions”
- Bendre, A., Gressel, O., Elstner, D. (2015), AN 336, 991:
“Dynamo saturation in direct simulations of the multi-phase turbulent interstellar medium” - Gressel, O., Pessah, M. E. (2015), ApJ 810, 59:
“Characterizing the Mean-field Dynamo in Turbulent Accretion Disks” - Gressel, O., Turner, N. J., Nelson, R. P., McNally, C. P. (2015), ApJ 801, 84: “Global simulations of protoplanetary disks with ohmic resistivity and ambipolar diffusion”
- Elstner, D., Beck, R., Gressel, O. (2014), A&A 568, AA104:
“Do magnetic fields influence gas rotation in galaxies?” - Brandenburg, A., Gressel, O., Jabbari, S., Kleeorin, N., Rogachevskii, I. (2014), A&A 562, AA53: “Mean-field and direct numerical simulations of magnetic flux concentrations from vertical field”
- Gressel, O., Nelson, R. P., Turner, N. J., Ziegler, U. (2013), ApJ 779, 59: “Global Hydromagnetic Simulations of a Planet Embedded in a Dead Zone: Gap Opening, Gas Accretion, and Formation of a Protoplanetary Jet”
- Gressel, O., Elstner, D., Ziegler, U. (2013), A&A 560, A93:
“Towards a hybrid dynamo model for the Milky Way” - Nelson, R. P., Gressel, O., Umurhan, O. M. (2013), MNRAS 435, 2610:
“Linear and non-linear evolution of the vertical shear instability in accretion discs” - Gressel, O. (2013), ApJ 770, 100:
“Dynamo Effects in Magnetorotational Turbulence with Finite Thermal Diffusivity” - Gressel, O., Bendre, A., Elstner, D. (2013), MNRAS 429, 967:
“On the magnetic quenching of mean-field effects in supersonic interstellar turbulence” - Brandenburg, A., Gressel, O., Käpylä, P. J., Kleeorin, N., Mantere, M.
J., Rogachevskii, I. (2013), ApJ 762, 127:
“New Scaling for the Alpha Effect in Slowly Rotating Turbulence”
- Gressel, O., Nelson, R. P., Turner, N. J. (2012), MNRAS 422, 1140:
“Dead zones as safe havens for planetesimals: influence of disc mass and external magnetic field” - Gressel, O., Nelson, R. P., Turner, N. J. (2011), MNRAS 415, 3291:
“On the dynamics of planetesimals embedded in turbulent protoplanetary discs with dead zones” - Nelson, R. P., Gressel, O. (2010), MNRAS 409, 639:
“On the dynamics of planetesimals embedded in turbulent protoplanetary discs” - Latter, H. N., Fromang, S., Gressel, O. (2010), MNRAS 406, 848:
“MRI channel flows in vertically stratified models of accretion discs” - Gressel, O. (2010), MNRAS 405, 41:
“A mean-field approach to the propagation of field patterns in stratified magnetorotational turbulence” - Gressel, O. (2010), PhDT
“Supernova-driven Turbulence and Magnetic Field Amplification in Disk Galaxies”
- Piontek, R. A., Gressel, O., Ziegler, U. (2009),
A&A 499, 633:
“Multiphase ISM simulations: comparing NIRVANA and ZEUS” - Gressel, O. (2009),
A&A 498, 661:
“A Field-length based refinement criterion for adaptive mesh simulations of the interstellar medium” - Gressel, O., Elstner, D., Ziegler, U., Rüdiger, G. (2008),
A&A 486, L35:
“Direct simulations of a supernova-driven galactic dynamo” - Gressel, O., Ziegler, U., Elstner, D., Rüdiger, G. (2008), AN 329, 619:
“Dynamo coefficients from local simulations of the turbulent ISM” - Gressel, O., Ziegler, U. (2007), CoPhC 176, 652:
“Shearingbox-implementation for the central-upwind, constraint-transport MHD-code NIRVANA”